💎Metalien Membership

Every user is an important member of the Metalien community. We value every user's contribution on the platform and are committed to transforming contributions into user value. Therefore, we are about to launch a new "Metalien Membership and Rewards System" to encourage users who are the first to become platform users and continue to be active users.

How to become a member of Metalien?

Users who successfully signed up and authorize the Metalien account can become Metalien members.

What is Metalien's Membership Growth Value?

Metalien member growth value is used to determine the user's membership level.

How to get the Growth Value?

All members can get growth points by setting personal information, contributing (posting, commenting, liking, etc.), playing games, trading, and participating in new feature testing.

Which missions can get Growth Value?

All members can get Growth Value through (1) One-time Reward Missions, (2) Limited Reward Missions, and (3) Unlimited Reward Missions.

1. One-time Reward Missions

MissionsGrowth Value to be issued

Sign up to be a new user

1600 for M4 ¡ Supreme (First 100 members)

800 for M3 ¡ Noble (Member No.101-500th)

400 for M2 ¡ Genesis (Member No.501-5000th)

200 for M1 ¡ Nobe (Member No.5001 and above)

2. Limited Reward Missions

MissionsGrowth Value to be issuedNotes

Daily Check-In

1-3 per day

Every 14 Days Checked-in

20 per time

Create a New Post

3 per post, max 15 per day(1)

Send Comments

0.5 per comment, max 10 per day

The growth value will only be issued once in the same post engagement.

Give Likes

0.2 per like, max 5 per day

The growth value will only be issued once in the same post engagement.

Get Comments

0.2 per comment, max 20 per day

Get Likes

0.2 per like, max 20 per day

(1) The daily statistical period is based on the Universal Time Zone (UTC) from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 each day.

3. Unlimited Reward Missions

MissionsGrowth Value to be issued

Invite to Earn

800 per Invitee for M4 ¡ Supreme

400 per Invitee for M3 ¡ Noble

200 per Invitee for M2 ¡ Genesis

100 per Invitee for M1 ¡ Nobe

Will the Metalien membership growth value expire? Will it be reset?

Yes, the Metalien membership growth value is valid for 180 days from the date of obtained, and the expired growth value will be reset to zero.

What are the Metalien membership levels?

Metalien membership level refers to: Based on this instructions, the growth value obtained through the above-mentioned missions is accumulated and calculated, and different membership levels are given to users according to the user's growth value reaching the corresponding level threshold.

How to maintain and upgrade the Metalien membership levels?

All members can maintain their current level by obtaining the growth value required for the corresponding level during the validity period of the level. When the growth value reaches a certain value, the user will automatically upgrade to the corresponding membership level.

Membership LevelsMaintenance Growth Value





















How to calculate the validity period of Metalien membership level?

The validity period of Metalien membership level is half a year (180 days). If the member level upgrades, the validity period of the new level will be calculated from the day of the upgrade. If you do not upgrade or maintain the current level within the current validity period, the validity period of the new level will be recalculated and changed to the new level on the day after the expiration date of the current level.

When will Metalien start enjoying the new level benefits after upgrading its membership level?

If the members's growth value reaches the upgrade threshold during the validity period of the level, the new level will take effect immediately. After the level expires, the user's level will be recalculated based on the effective growth value accumulated during the previous validity period.

What benefits do Metalien members have?

Metalien members of different levels can enjoy exclusive benefits of that level. Please understand that the level benefits may be dynamically adjusted according to the actual situation of operation, and the specific benefits will be subject to the page display at that time.

Will Metalien membership benefits expire?

Yes. During the event, the number of times, exercise process, precautions and usage time of the rights and interests enjoyed by the same user at different levels on the Metalien platform shall be subject to the information on the rights and interests details page. If the rights and interests are not exercised in time and expire, the user shall bear the loss personally.

Can Metalien membership benefits be refunded or exchanged?

No, once the rights are exercised, they are not refundable or exchangeable.

Can Metalien membership rights be transferred? Can they be redeemed?

No, the rights and benefits enjoyed by users cannot be divided, transferred, redeemed, or exchanged.

Under what circumstances will the rights be revoked?

Metalien has the right to conduct security verification on users participating in this activity. If a user participating in this activity has, appears to have, or is reasonably suspected by Metalien of having violated laws and regulations or Metalien platform rules, activity rules, or violated the principle of honesty and trustworthiness, Metalien has the right to take measures including but not limited to restricting registration/login of Metalien account, prohibiting participation in all or part of the activity, revoking the qualification to participate in the activity, canceling the qualification to obtain activity income (including but not limited to virtual items, cash, physical goods, etc. that may be obtained by participating in the activity), being unable to obtain or only being able to obtain part of the activity income, being subject to full/partial restrictions on the use/withdrawal of the obtained activity income, recovering the activity income that has been issued, banning the account, etc., and reserves the right to pursue the relevant legal responsibilities of the user.

What behavior violates the principle of honesty and trustworthiness?

Acts that violate the principle of honesty and trustworthiness include but are not limited to:

(1) Downloading or using unofficial clients or product pages;

(2) Using email accounts or addresses suspected of high-risk cheating, virtual email addresses or third-party platform accounts to register/login to Metalien accounts;

(3) Modifying page parameters and tampering with device data;

(4) Participating in activities by any non-manual means such as robot software, spider software, crawler software, screen-swiping software, etc.;

(5) Using simulators, plug-ins, external plug-ins, APF clone software and other illegal tools to scan codes, download, install, register, log in to Metalien clients, participate in activities, collect activity income, withdraw cash, give away or resell activity income;

(6) Disrupting the order of Metalien products or services through malicious means;

(7) Using plug-ins, external plug-ins, group control systems or third-party tools to interfere with, destroy, modify or exert other influence on Metalien platform products and operating activities;

(8) Colluding with other users or using machines to cheat, swipe activity income and other acts that disrupt the order of activities;

(9) The same user registers, holds, uses or controls multiple Metalien accounts;

(10) Other acts that Metalien has reasonable suspicion of violating the principle of honesty and trustworthiness.

Last updated